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What are the top foods for sleep?

What are the top foods for sleep?

Ensuring your little one gets a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for their health and well-being – and yours too. But, as we all know, it can be a huge challenge to get your bub to snooze through the night. We understand how stressful and exhausting this can be, and we just wanted to remind you that you’re doing an amazing job – it's no easy feat, and you’re doing your absolute best. While we could spend hours talking about baby sleep and all the contributing factors that play into a healthy night’s rest, we just thought she’d share some little insights from paediatric naturopath, Lisa Moane. Today, she has some little suggestions on the top food choices for sleep.  

As Lisa points out, the relationship between gut health and sleep is closely intertwined. The gut operates on its own circadian rhythm, and any dysbiosis or imbalance can disrupt sleep duration and lead to interruptions during the night. Similarly, sleep disorders are also known to negatively impact the gut microbiome. So, when considering any type of sleep disturbance, it's always a good idea to consider your little one's gut health.  

Top foods for sleep 

There are certain foods that can promote better sleep by providing the supportive nutrients needed for melatonin production. Here are some little ideas... 


Salmon and other seafood are amazing sources of zinc, which supports melatonin production and can support healthy sleep. Salmon is also rich in vitamin D and omega 3 essential fatty acids – both important for serotonin and melatonin regulation.   


Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, eggs are also a fantastic food for promoting melatonin production. 

Tart cherries 

A glass of tart cherry juice can go a long way. Rich in antioxidants, it's yet another great source of melatonin. Please note that this is suitable for toddlers, not bubs.  


In addition to being great for digestive health and immunity, kiwifruit is also high in serotonin (which converts to melatonin) and is a great one to keep in mind for supporting sleep.  


LittleOak has been nourishing children for many years and feeds millions of infants, babies and children across the globe each and every day, in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. In the US, we're proud to have our FDA compliant Toddler Drink available for families.

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