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Goat milk

LittleOak’s ‘From Fresh’ approach

DHA and ARA 


Directions and usage

Buying LittleOak

United States

We have been absolutely overwhelmed with the support we have received since we announced we would be voluntarily stopping supply of our Stage 1 and Stage 2 products to U.S. families via our global online channel, at the request of the US Food and Drug Administration.

We would like to thank everyone for their kindness and understanding during this incredibly difficult time. We have been blown away by the level of support we have received and consider ourselves extremely blessed to have such a wonderful community behind us.

To recap, American families sought out LittleOak during the infant formula crisis and since then have been buying our product via our LittleOak website. And while the FDA technically do not have jurisdiction over where or how our American families buy formula, they have asked us to cease this distribution channel while we undertake our FDA pre-market approval.

This was not a decision that we made lightly but is one that we respect and will mean it will allow us to serve more US families over the long-term.

Understandably there some things that we would like to clarify to put all families at ease:

We've answered the key questions from our families below.